"I still don't understand the Michael C Hall photo! Epic list!"

"My kind of list! I also love when the guy gets diced into pieces by lasers in Resident Evil."

"Yes to the first one! they only tried ONCE to fit on that board. he clearly wanted to die!"

"Interesting list. I agree with The Godfather. I know you still love it but I was bored to tears. The Dark Knight.- I absolutely loved Heath Ledger both in this and other roles but a post-humous Osca"

"You saw ROTK 14 times at the cinema? Wow. I though I liked LOTR. Fantastic list. I agree on almost all points. I can't wait to get my hands on the Drive blu-ray either."

"Great list! Love that Brad Port in Kalifornia is in here. Love that film!"

"Robert Powell spent a good many years in UK hospital soap, Holby City."

"I love these so much! They really make me laugh, although the Laurence Fishbourne one is quite terrifying!"

"The Shia LaBeouf one is a bit creepy!!"

"These are beyond awesome! I really want a spiderman kitty!"

"Best list ever! I am a huge beard fan and these men look miles better with one. And yes to your comment about Gosling!"

"These are just brilliant. So many great photos!!"

"Great list! I can't believe some of the guys on here are actually as old as they are. Viggo is 52? When did that happen??"

"He's such a great actor. Thanks for showing me some stuff of his I haven't seen."